Den 19 september 1944 greps delar av den danska poliskåren- poliserna fängslades och sändes av nazisterna först till koncentrationslägret Neuengamme men sedan till Buchenwald. Här fick de uppleva alla de fasor som en sådan internering innebar- räddningen kom först med de vita bussarna under våren 1945. Min mors kusin Peter var en av de räddade- men han blev aldrig frisk igen- de själsliga såren var för djupa. Buchenwald var fasansfullt.
"Margaret Bourke-White was with General Patton's third amy when they reached Buchenwald on the outskirts of Weimar. Patton was so incensed by what he saw that he ordered his police to get a thousand civilians to make them see with their own eyes what their leaders had done. The MPs were so enraged they brought back 2,000. Bourke-White said, "I saw and photographed the piles of naked, lifeless bodies, the human skeletons in furnaces, the living skeletons who would die the next day... and tattoed skin for lampshades. Using the camera was almost a relief. It interposed a slight barrier between myself and the horror in front of me." LIFE published in their May 7, 1945 issue many photographs of these atrocities, saying, "Dead men will have indeed died in vain if live men refuse to look at them."
Jag tänker läsa Ernst Wiecherts bok om tiden i "Dödens skog". Även Elie Wiesel uthärdade Buchenwald.
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