onsdag 9 juni 2010

Don't Let Them Tell You How to Grieve av Gina Claye

Det här är en mycket fin diktsamling på lite över 70 sidor. Värd sin vikt i guld. Gina Claye vet vad hon talar om- hon förlorade först sin dotter som tog livet av sig bara 19 år gammal - sedan dog hennes son i hjärninflammation ett antal år senare. Hon fick dessutom kämpa med sin sorg helt ensam för maken tog ut skilsmässa i samband med dotterns självmord.
" I had lost two of my three children and my younger daughter Rachel, had lost both her siblings. It was during two years after Robin's (sonen) death that I wrote these poems.---- The poems helped me not only to come to terms with my own grief, but to create something positive out of the lives and deaths of my two children."
"Don't let them tell you how to grieve.
Though it's the same journey for all
there is no one way through.
Others may do it differently.
Let them. If you don't like
what they're saying, get them to leave.
Don't let them tell you how to grieve."
Jag hittade den här boken på Dovegreyreaders fina och ytterst läsvärda blogg. "Don't Let Them Tell You How to Grieve" är trösterik, tänkvärd och väldigt hoppingivande.

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