lördag 21 mars 2009

Internationella poesidagen- 3- Rolf Jacobsen

Foto: Gro Jarto
Läs mera om Rolf Jacobsen här:
The Fireflies av Rolf Jacobsen
It was the evening with fireflies
while we were waiting for the bus
to Velletri
that we saw two old people kissing
under the plane tree.
It was then
you said, half to the air
half to me:
Whoever loves for years
hasn't lived in vain.
And it was then I caught sight
of the first
fireflies in the darkness,
sparkling with flashes of light
around your head.
It was then.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Mycket fin - ska titta närmare på Rolf Jacobsen. - Tack

Ingrid sa...

Så roligt att du tyckte om dikten- den är en av mina verkliga favoriter.