Abraham Lincolns begravning 1865
Bernard O'Donoghue (f. 1945) är en irländsk poet från County Cork- numera är han bosatt i England. I min hand just nu en av hans diktsamlingar:
Farmers Cross- och just den här dikten med titeln "History", tycker jag är väldigt tankeväckande.
Magie Din Beag, aged four in 1865,
was lifted on to her father's shoulders
at Abraham Lincoln's funeral.
Her father said to her: ' Never forget
that you were at Abraham Lincoln's funeral!"
He said it at the time, she told me, and again
at intervals throughout the rest of his life.
She told it to me in 1956
when I was ten, and said: Never forget
that you once knew an old woman
who had been at Abraham Lincoln's funeral
when she was four.' Fifty years ago now;
so what I say to you is this: never forget
that you once read something by someone
who said they had known when they were young
someone who said their father told them
they had been to Abraham Lincoln's funeral.
Och jag, jag tänker på min farmor som så ofta berättade att "jag har blivit kysst av Gustaf Fröding". (Farmor var vid tillfället bara elva år gammal). (Jodå, jag har alla Frödings diktsamlingar i vackert inbundna band och nog känner jag lite speciellt för just honom....).